SexualEducationThe barrier for sexually strong women is shame, that of men is aggressiveness
Newest versionDownload version released on 28.11.2020. It works on any Internet browser. Some small features may work only if you view it with InternetExplorer. Warning! If sexual content offends you, do not read this book! To read the book, unzip the downloaded file where you want, and run the "index.htm" file. If you don't want to download the file, you can see the book directly in your browser here.
DescriptionThis is a book about sexual education, for men and women. The book contains basic sexual anatomy information, and describes the possible sexual life of a heterosexual couple. It doesn't contain erotic literature, and it doesn't contain drawings or photos. The book is in HTML format. As plain text it contains about 160 medium book pages (A5). It will automatically start when you run the downloaded file - you must have the right to write in the "Program Files" system directory; a link is created on the desktop. The last reading position is saved (and restored). The book has been generated from a plain-text file, with TreeTextToHTML. For more features read History of changes.
History of changesVersion 1.5.5 Expanded the "Erotic talk" section.
Version 1.5.4 Added the "General fantasies" sub-section in the "Fantasies" section.
Version 1.5.1 Added the "Fantasies" section.
Version 1.3.6 Added the "Is it special?" sub-section in the "Virginity" section.
Version Added the "Doing it" sub-section in the "Virginity" section.
Version 1.3.5 Added the "Is it worth waiting?" sub-section in the "Virginity" section where I talk about how the current society treats people who consider that virginity is precious.
Version 1.3.3 Added the "Statistics" section.
Version 1.3 Completed a full review.
You may distribute SexualEducation for commercial purposes. Added the "Edge sex > Violent fantasies > Playing" section. Improved "Sexual response" section. Bug fix: when using browsers like Opera, bookmark targets are correct. More in the "Erotic talk" section. Fixed an error in saving the last reading position. Added the "Erotic massage > Uterus massage" section. Added the "Edge sex > Violent fantasies" section. Added a few more details about how to hold ejaculation. Added the "Things to do during sex > Wild thing" section. The visual aspect is a little different: some parts of the book (like the headers) are emphasized with background color. First public release of SexualEducation: version 1 on 20 February 2003. |