Source code

Open source code


Work archive

Compilation for VisualStudio

Compilation for C++Builder


All programs are released as open source.

Those programmers who want to port them on other platforms, have this possibility.

See the License section to know what you can do with the source code.

Work archive

You can download an archive with all the published work from here.

The source code for the following programs is included:

Other included work:


In order to compile the solutions, you need at least VisualStudio 2019 (Community Edition) and DotNet 4.8 (or newer).

C++ Builder

In order to compile the solutions, you need at least Borland C++Builder 5.

Compilation for VisualStudio

The # character

Do not ever use the "#" character in the path of your C# applications. It seems that various tools consider the "#" character as invalid for file names.

I've had two problems with it, which were solved only when I removed it from the directory where I had my C# programs:

  • The help files generated with SandCastle report that they can't find the content to display.

  • The visual designer for PDA applications, from VisualStudio 2005, reports that it can't find the base control for controls inherited from custom controls.

And the worse part of this issue is that the reported errors are about anything except the "#" character.

Custom enumerations

VisualStudio has a bug which doesn't display custom enumerations for mobile custom controls, so you can't use it to visually edit the controls.

Compilation for C++Builder

In order to compile some of the programs, you need to have the "GdiPlus" directory in the "Include" directory of C++Builder, and also have the "GdiPlus.lib" file in the "Lib" directory of C++Builder.

You have to manually rename all file paths to be relative to the directory where you'll put these programs. This is because C++Builder doesn't store paths relative to projects.

Note that in the case of the programs which have an installer, if you add or remove files from their project you'll need to modify the main project file (whose name is the same as the program's name, with the ".cpp" extension) to correctly create the installer form or the main form. Basically, all you'll have to do is add "else" in the "if" where the installer form is created.

When re-building FileMatrix, you get an error which you need to manually solve: "DropSource.hpp(143): E2076 Overloadable operator expected". I don't know why this happens, but you need to comment the specified line (143) and build again (but don't re-build).



  • 27.03.2023: updated the source code for Fluogen.

  • 03.11.2021: updated the source code for Vela.

  • 28.11.2020: updated the source code for SexualEducation.

  • 20.06.2019: updated the source code for HouseBuildingCost.

  • 02.07.2016: updated the source code for Noisette.

  • 12.05.2014: updated the source code for Mosaic. Published simplified version of Gardener of Thoughts Card Game.

  • 21.10.2013: published the source code for Vela.

  • 13.06.2011: updated the source code for SlimEdit.

  • 10.12.2009: updated the source code for Wallperizer Mobile.

  • 17.04.2009: updated the source code for Fluogen.

  • 19.02.2009: updated the source code for Wallperizer.

  • 31.12.2008: published the source code for Noisette.

  • 20.07.2008: updated the source code for MDNs.

  • 30.05.2008: published the source code for Fluogen.

  • 19.03.2008: updated the source code for FileMatrix.

  • 17.07.2007: updated the source code for TreeTextToHTML.

  • 14.07.2007: published the source code for FileMatrix.

  • 12.07.2007: published the source code for Mosaic.

  • 06.01.2006: all programs are now open source, released under a Common Sense License.

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